As we shared with you earlier this morning, all Oregon schools will be closed March 16 – April 28, with students returning to school on Wednesday, April 29. While our schools will be closed, including school offices, our District Office departments will remain in operation. Additionally, the following services will be available to students and families:
Nutrition Services will operate food distribution hubs at Hopkins Elementary and Edy Ridge Elementary March 16-20, and March 30-31. Breakfast and lunch will be available to all students, at no cost, at the following times:
Breakfast – 7:30-8:30am
Lunch – 11:30am-12:30pm
Meals will be pick-up only (no students will remain on campus to eat). At Hopkins, pick-up will happen at the cafeteria entrance — please look for the pop-up canopies. At Edy Ridge, pick-up will happen at the front entrance.
Champions will provide a backup source of childcare during the closure. This program is open to all Sherwood Students age 5-12, whose families have immediate care needs (healthcare workers, first responders, no back-up care available). The schedule for Champions will start on Tuesday, March 17, to allow for facility sanitation and registration processing on Monday, March 16.
Schedule: Tuesday March 17-Friday March 27 (closed Saturday/Sunday)
Time: 7:30am-5:30pm
Location: Hopkins Elementary multi-purpose room
Cost: $39/day
Single serve snacks will be provided; please plan to bring a sack lunch
Pre-registration is required. To register, please complete the form available at:
Questions? Please contact for more information.
SHARE Center will be open daily 9:00-11:00am and 1:00-3:00pm, March 16-20 and March 30-31. Our SHARE Center is located at the Sherwood Middle School campus, in the parking lot portables. SHARE Center staff will also be on-site at our Nutrition Services meal distribution hubs during breakfast and lunch (see times above). For more information about services available from the SHARE Center, please visit our website at
We have received questions from parents/guardians/community members about where to direct donations of food or funds to assist students and families in need. We encourage those individuals who want to contribute in this way, to contact our SHARE Center at 503-825-5480. The SHARE Center can accept gift cards (Walmart, Safeway, Target, etc.), new and gently used clothing, school supplies, diapers/wipes, basic necessities and monetary donations.
The events and circumstances we all are experiencing are unprecedented. As we continue to maneuver through the ever-changing landscape, please remember to take care of yourselves and look out for others. Many emotions and reactions arise in response to the current reality — please be kind and thoughtful, and extend grace and compassion to others.